Where are you planning to go?

Fill in a destination and see the corrensponding tariffs

Inside the EU (Roaming Like At Home)

Your usage is included in your monthly subscription. When you’ve depleted your available minutes/sms/data from your subscription, the same tariffs apply within the EU as in Belgium.

Roaming – Mobile Data

0,01 /MB



0,10 /Min


0,05 /SMS



0,10 /Min


0,05 /SMS

Frequently asked questions

More FAQ’s available here

  • What is the difference between “International” and “Roaming” calls?

    – “International” calls are applicable to make a call from Belgium to another country.
    – “Roaming” calls are applicable to make and receive calls from abroad.

  • Calling to abroad (International)

    You can call and send SMS messages from Belgium to all countries.
    For an overview of countries and prices, please visit https://undo.be/tariffs/roaming.
    Do not forget to add the prefix of the country of your correspondent preceded by the sign + or 00 and without the first 0 of the number. 

    For example: you want to call the number 0402811215 in the Netherlands. You must dial +31402811215 or 0031402811215.

  • Calling from abroad (Roaming)

    You can call and send SMS messages from abroad to all other countries.
    For an overview of countries and prices, please visit https://undo.be/tariffs/roaming.
    To call someone from abroad, you must add the + or 00 sign in front of the country prefix. Do not forget to remove the first 0 from the phone number. For example: you want to reach the Belgian number 0487030405 from abroad. You must dial the following number: +32487030405 or 0032487030405.

  • I cannot call, send an SMS or surf abroad

    Here are some solutions to help you:
    1. When you are abroad, your smartphone is automatically connected to a local operator (the name of the local operator appears on your smartphone screen). If you cannot call, send an SMS or surf with this operator, go to your smartphone settings, manually select another operator and retry to call, send an SMS or surf.
    2. Just try restarting your smartphone and try calling, texting or surfing again.
    3. To call or send an SMS to someone from abroad, add the + or 00 sign in front of the country prefix. Don’t forget to remove the first 0 from the call number. For example: you want to reach the Belgian number 0487030405 from abroad. You must therefore dial the following number: +32487030405 or 0032487030405.
    4. Check via our Mobile APP or Customer Portal (https://wsc.undo.be/) that the “Block data roaming” service is not activated. If this is the case, on your subscription, click on “MANAGE” and choose “NETWORK SERVICES” and deactivate this service.

Billing – Roaming


– Within the EU, when roaming, you pay per second after the first 30 seconds of your call.
– Outside the EU, you pay per 60 seconds.
– For incoming calls within and outside the EU, you pay per second from the first second


An SMS counts a maximum of 160 characters. When that amount is exceeded, the following characters automatically count as a new text message

Mobile Data

For each mobile internet session, you pay per kB consumed from the first kB

Billing – International


After the first minute of your call, you pay per second


An SMS counts a maximum of 160 characters. When that amount is exceeded, the following characters automatically count as a new text message