A Journey to Sustainable Telecom

“Enabling positive change for people and the planet”

  • Make big impact through small, mindful choices
  • Offer innovative and fun tools to assess and reduce impact
  • Ensure transparency in communicating about our impact and inspire action
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UNDO Values


Everything we do, here at UNDO is to make us sustainable. It is time for brands to move away from the traditional thinking that focuses solely on maximising profits. Our mission is simple, we want to include all stakeholders involved and consider people and the planet first. Read more about our initiatives here.


UNDO is a community for all those who care about social responsibility. As a collective we transform the otherwise negative impact of our lifestyles into positive change for planet and society. Learn more about how UNDO makes the world better connected and inclusive.


Our intentions are not just backed by our words! We ensure that our own actions are executed as promised. The UNDO app is designed to add transparency and builds trust. Follow your impact and contributions with in-app tracking. Learn more about the UNDO app

We see ourselves not only as a mobile services brand, but also as a lifestyle brand focused on reversing the impact on the climate and environment

What makes UNDO special

At UNDO we believe that people, planet and profit can go hand in hand. We walk the talk and made conscious choices to reduce our impact on environment. We work with the ORANGE network, powered with electricity from renewable origin. We select partners that share our values and can help us in adding more sustainable choices for our community. Here are a few things we are proud of:

1. We are 100% digital

UNDO does not have any physical stores to sell our subscriptions unlike a lot of the other mobile operators. This was a major set back to our brand visibility in the market. However this also reduces our footprint and costs in a major way! We mostly do video calls, try to work from home, and run paperless operations.

2. Build on “Eco-design” principals

Our goal to keep our impact as low as possible extends to our corporate identity and eco-design. We have chosen colours with low energy consumption on the screen. This combined with pixel-based imagery ensures minimal energy consumption when loading the website and app.

UNDO Origins

  • Growing awareness & social responsibilities

People are becoming more aware of their environmental responsibilities. However, in Belgium, only a small fraction manages to incorporate this awareness into their daily lives. The main reason? Living an eco-friendly lifestyle is often perceived as costly and inconvenient.

  • The UNDO essence

UNDO wanted to offer more than just mobile services (data, minutes and SMS). We aimed to provide an opportunity for everyone to contribute to significant issues such as environmental preservation, climate change and social inclusion. We believed that, if given a simple way to adopt a sustainable lifestyle, people would be more than happy to make a positive impact.

  • A new beginning

Born out of a passion for telecom and social responsibility, UNDO represents making conscious  choices and sustainable living a part of daily life. Based on the idea of conscious consumption our goal is to shine the light on the human consumption and its impact on our planet. Guess which tool is a great starting point – your smartphone !