Sustainable Today for a better Tomorrow

At UNDO, sustainability and social inclusion are ingrained in each action. We all must do our part to address global challenges, including climate change. That’s why we are committed to the planet, together with our subscribers.

“Meeting the needs of today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own need”

We may not be able to change the world overnight, but every bit helps.

Learn more

Trees planted


CO2 removed

18.876 kg

Social Initiatives


UNDO Forest

UNDO Forest is a reforestation initiative owned 100% by UNDO.

Our goal is to create a natural carbon sink. The plantation is run in collaboration with GI-AGRO, our local partner at IBI Village, which is located 140 km east of Kinshasa.

At UNDO social inclusion is also an important value.

We ensure this by also including our team that helps us run the plantation. It is made up of locals from near by tribes and villages and they live near the UNDO Forest with their families. They practice agroforestry to cultivate other crops (casava, corn, honey …) that help create food for themselves but also to sell in nearby villages/towns.

Use the map to discover the social initiatives.

We provide these as add-ons to your subscription. This way you can contribute to our cause even more and help local community in Congo.


10953 Trees


A reforestation initiative aimed at creating a natural carbon sink. You have the opportunity to contribute by planting additional trees every month.





A social initiative dedicated to improving the learning conditions of children. You can contribute to the renovation of local school or help provide internet connectivity.





A social initiative dedicated to improve the health of the local community. You can contribute to essential healthcare needs such as basic medication, vaccinations or doctor visits.





A social initiative dedicated to the maintenance and protection of the UNDO Forest (e.g. from natural wildfires). You can contribute by funding basic farming tools or other resources.





A bee initiative aimed at protecting biodiversity and helping local people make and sell honey as a source of income. You can help to take care of the beehives.

  • Grow 1 tree

    Every tree can make a difference. Plant an additional tree and contribute to the reforestation initiative in IBI Village.

  • Grow 3 trees

    Want to do even more? Accelerate the reforestation by planting 3 trees.

  • Internet@school

    Help provide internet in schools. That way, the children of IBI Village can learn even more.

  • School renovation

    Supplies and electricity are not given in IBI Village classrooms. Help them out!

  • Medical aid

    Will you help ensure that IBI Village residents have access to medical care?

  • Doctor visit

    Contribute to the doctor’s visits of IBI Village locals. What a wonderful gift!

  • Farm tools

    Want to roll up your sleeves? Help provide vital farming tools.

  • Biodiversity – Beehive

    Help take care of the beehives of IBI Village, so that the residents can make honey.


UNDO Removal

As the name suggests UNDO Removal is an initiative that is aims the following:

  •      – Compensate the footprint of our users

  •      – Support emerging technologies that remove CO2 from the atmosphere

It consists of CO2 removal projects in their unique way to ensure long term storage. UNDO performs due diligence in selecting our partners and ensure that these are high quality removals. Every monthly subscription comes with KGs that our users can assign to the project of their choice and make their mobile use CO2 neutral.

  • Biochar – pine bark soil improvers

    7802 KG CO2

    assigned through the UNDO app

    Learn more
  • Enhanced weathering for CO₂ removal

    4688 KG CO2

    assigned through the UNDO app

    Learn more
  • Carbon capture and storage in concrete

    5449 KG CO2

    assigned through the UNDO app

    Learn more
  • Safe drinking water

    937 KG CO2

    assigned through the UNDO app

    Learn more
Our UNDO CO2 retirement certificates

With the UNDO app your emissions are always under control

  • Measure your carbon footprint
  • Assign your monthly CO2 KG to projects that you like
  • Support our social initiatives in the UNDO Forest
  • Manage your UNDO subscription and make changes easily
Discover the UNDO app

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Frequently asked questions

More FAQ’s available here

  • What is UNDO Removal?

    UNDO Removal aims at connecting the UNDO community to literally carbon removal technologies! In an attempt to balance the amount of carbon released due to human activity, these technologies ensure the removal of atmospheric carbon and long-term storage for over 100 years in different forms such as demolished concrete, or underground sequestration! One of the most critical challenges of the present day faced by such technology-driven projects is the high cost of project execution, which can be lowered by applying the principle of economies of scale. UNDO procures high-quality, certified REMOVAL credits from individual project developers across the globe. Projects are verified by independent 3rd party agencies and follow internationally recognized benchmarks and reporting standards such as Gold standard, Puro earth, and Verra. For users, UNDO removal is a way to choose projects of their choice and be carbon-neutral by compensating their emissions every month. You can use your CO2 KGs pre-included in your monthy subscription

  • What are my carbon KGs?

    Just like GBs each UNDO subscription includes a certain amount KGs. Consider these as your personal emission credit that can be used to compensate your monthly emissions resulting from your smartphone use. You can find these KGs and projects in UNDO removal section Just log in to the application, assign KGs to the project you like and hit Compensate! This represents your support for the choice of projects and helps in connecting users directly to Projects at the tap of a screen.

    In case your emissions are higher than the available KGs you can purchase extra KGs. You can find these add-ons by tapping on ‘SHOW ME’ in ‘Your Tariff’ section via the mobile app or web. Your KGs that remain after compensation will be carried over and added to your available quota next month.

  • How are my emissions calculated?

    The overall emissions displayed include the following:

    (1) DEVICE – UNDO computes the emissions produced during the manufacturing of your device, taking into account whether your device is new or used. The data is gathered from environmental product reports issued by manufacturers like Apple, Huawei, and Fairphone.

    (2) BATTERY CHARGING – UNDO estimates your daily power consumption and resulting emissions based on how much time your device spends under charge.

    (3) TELECOM USAGE – The energy consumed by the network to provide you with services such as calls, text messages, and data is calculated by UNDO according to your number of calls, SMS, and GBs used.

    (4) ONBOARDING & ACTIVATION – UNDO also factors in the one-time emissions resulting from the ordering and activation of your UNDO SIM card.

  • What are my CO² emissions?

    Your CO2 emissions are a result of using your smartphone on a daily basis.  Smartphones work on various rare earth minerals such as Gold, Cobalt, Lithium, silver, and silicon. The mining of these components releases carbon into the atmosphere. Similarly, the manufacturing of the smartphone also causes emissions. As a user of smartphones, we also rely on our 4G/5G networks to make calls, surf the internet, use various applications, and occasionally send texts. These networks consume electricity to power up and function. Electricity often comes from non-renewable sources and causes emissions as well. Similarly, our phones need to be charged which again consumes electricity and causes emissions. All these sources combined lead to CO2 emissions that can be attributed to us as users.

  • What are my CO² compensations?

    As an UNDO user, you have the chance to contribute to the fight against climate change. Planting trees is surely one simplest ways of helping and having a direct impact. That is why each new UNDO user plants one tree upon joining by default in the UNDO Forest – a natural carbon sink. But that is not all, every UNDO user can also support emerging carbon removal technologies such as Biochaar, CCS, and Enhanced Weathering via UNDO Removal. Your monthly calculated emissions can be neutralized by assigning the same or greater number of KGs across one or more removal projects of your choosing.

  • What is UNDO Forest?

    UNDO Forest is a project that aims to create a natural carbon sink that will absorb and store carbon below the ground in soil. It’s 100% owned by UNDO. The project is being developed in the Democratic Republic of CONGO, near the town of Kinshasa. We work in collaboration with our partner IBI Village, which helps us with on-ground activities. The project aims to plant 25.000 trees in its 1st phase. The concept of agro farming is applied that ensure maximum utilization of the land and turn a dry Savannah into a habitat filled with Acacia, Corn, and Manioc. Every new subscription guarantees planting 1 tree but that is not it. Under the project, users can also support additional social initiatives by adding UNDO forest add-ons to their monthly subscriptions. This way the community not only helps the planet but also helps out the local population by providing employment, and aid, much like the UN sustainable goals.

    UNDO provides regular updates about the progress of the project and on ground activities via photos, videos, or even interviews of locals via our social media channels. Follow UNDO on Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok to stay updated.

  • Why does UNDO plant trees in Congo?

    UNDO plants trees in Congo rather than in Belgium to make a greater environmental impact and support global sustainability goals. The Congo Basin is one of the world’s most important carbon sinks, absorbing far more carbon dioxide than forests in Belgium due to its tropical climate and fast-growing trees. By focusing reforestation efforts in this region, UNDO helps combat severe deforestation, which is a major contributor to global carbon emissions.

    Additionally, restoring the Congo’s forests helps preserve biodiversity and protect endangered species. The vast areas of degraded land available in Congo also allow for large-scale tree planting, which wouldn’t be feasible in more urbanized regions like Belgium. This approach maximizes the positive impact on climate change, ecosystems, and local communities.

  • What are UNDO Forest add ons?

    UNDO forest add-ons are initiatives that are aimed at improving the lives of the locals and helping quicken the plating of trees in our UNDO forest.  The projects are actually picked from the list of wishes that was put together by the locals that live nearby and help us in maintaining the trees, planting new ones or even building firewalls to protect our precious forest from burning down in natural forest fires during the dry season. These initiatives directly help improve the quality of life of the locals in the form of planting more trees, providing medical aid for local families, educational support for their children, or even buying consumable farming tools, or preserving important members of the biodiversity such as bees!

    You can find these add-ons by tapping on ‘SHOW ME’ in ‘Your Tariff’ section via the mobile app or web.